Sabtu, 21 Februari 2009


heres the list:

-be a legend,like cobain
-release a good book,and then ill receive a royalti from this
-feel a winter
-be a good and famous rockstar!!!!!
-beating up thom yorke and george w bush
-meet all my old friends
-riding my own BMX
-be in Mtv Cribs
-rock out Mtv and burn my guitar down!!!
-crashing my guitar!!
-Lipkissing with Gerrard way(just claiming to be famous,lol)

and so much more,bye



today,i was sick,i knew it when i woke up in the morning,

i feel so mad,sumthin like kickin my brain!!

but,now,i feel better,and on my body,like sumthin,biting my vein,im

so sleepy,but i cant sleep,

no corner of the class,but but now i feel better,
i love my own house so much!!
its better to stay there,the place where i belong,

even im sick its better to stay there,then to stay
at hospital.

fyuuh,i loved to be my own self,
wuff! wuff!,i miss that sound,beside my house,
like a crowd,so if i wake up in the late night,i m not afraid

now,evrything has change...

okay,thats what i feel,i feel so mad now,
in 2002-2006,i often go to the field the place,
whre i belong to be a bad boy,hha,now i nevr go there

now am i growing up or just getting older??

i wanna have a BMX,it was my dream when im in 5 grade.

i almost graduate,it was so quickly,

now i must study hard,to

get a better life on high school

and thanks for evryone,the one that mekes me upset,the one that makes me happy,
without peoples like you,life will be the same,it was a colourful life,hha

theres no story if theres no a horrible day with teachers.

maybe this is the best part of my life to met you guys,3 years weve known each other,lotsa story here,in school or ex school,a whole lotta story to tell it one by one,


my suicide letter..

hha,anjing lebai ah,waaah seru lho ternyata menjadi diri gw,lu gak akan bisa mengalami hal yang sama,sama gua.fyuuuh,

thats for now,
abi,superhero of BMX

Kamis, 19 Februari 2009


here's the things that i was wondering in a corner:
-be a guitarist in a good band
-release the book
-kiss the girl
-hang out!!!!!

Selasa, 17 Februari 2009

what so ever fukk it up!!

i tried to make a cool song at my svhool time and...
bad,try to make like ihcod's and cobain's...

and when this time come around
i dont know what i said,it
spinnin through my tounge
and when this 'bright' shining
whatsoever im not home
the time that im exeggaerate,
that time that i abhorre
and that time when i was hangin out
to dry and sowhatitcalled so,
i try to make it but it didnt work
and i just make it,
good life at a so much barrier thet you make it on
your own
but i wont jump from the top

fuck it up guys,im bad on it

Sabtu, 10 Januari 2009

evryone think so

lets talk about palestine's war,for the first time i hate israel and care of palestine,with some reason,such as:all tv programs talk about it,bore!!,evryone demo made some traffic jam,fool!!,silly,amerika tuh jarang denger yang kayak gitu,make anak kecil segala lagi,era teknologi uda canggih masih aja kyk gitu,klo pduli tuh lewat film,perfilman indonesia lagi bagus"nya kan banyak org dtg ke bioskop,buat yang lebih,jgn film" cinta embel" islam,sex education lah,horror dgn make up tebel lah,itu udah kseringan lama" orang juga biasa,buat tentang palestine vs israel yang di buat sdemikian rupa biar orang tuh peduli,di gabungkan dgn ide" sutradara indonesia yang cemerlang dan best seller,dgn soundtrack sluruh musisi yang mempunyai hasrat bermusik bukan JUALAN,yang di dominasi oleh musisi indie,dgn provokasi sampai keluar negri,kan juga bisa gak usah demo yang bikin macet dan mnuh"in acara TV,dan untuk yang mau jihad bulatkan tekad membantu palestine bukan mendapatkan surga,ini soal kmanusiaan,bukan agama lagi boi.lebih baik diem" aja mikir gmn caranya jgn rame" gak jelas gitu..,free is evryones dream,you do for palestine,but free from traffic jam is evryones dream to,are you do it for indonesian?
musik juga tuh contoh musisi" indie,efek rumah kaca dgn lirik nya yang cerdas pasti org" itu inginnya bermusik di jlan mereka,bukan jualan dapet duit dan dikendalikan seperti marionette oleh label,buat lagu stop war!!,banyak cara,gak sdikit orang yang mikir kyk gini man!,
dan walaupun gw masih 14 thn mudah"an gw bisa menghentikan perang tanpa triak"an di depan kedubes,bakar"an,ato apalah yang lainnya,im just14 but my mind say it more,...

"im worst at what I DO BEST,AND FOR THIS GIFT I FEEL BLESSED,...."

smells like teens spirit,gw merasa terberkati apa yang telah di berikan oleh tuhan,jd kekurangan gw bukan menjadi renungan panjang,jd ill do best!!!
hope i can stop in my 14 to 15!!!

abi 14 thn,
wish me can pass UN this year,success& stop war!!